FOTO/ ‘Bishat’ këpusin zinxhirët dhe dalin në rrugë… Pasanikët bëjnë ‘pasarelë’ me super-makinat (por nuk ka ndodhur në ish-Bllok)    

Nuk janë vetëm çunat shqiptarë me para, që duan të tregojnë makinat e tyre të bukura dhe luksoze. Kjo gjë është një “sëmundje ngjitëse” për të gjithë pasanikët në botë, sidomos kur ata kanë fëmijë adoleshentë.

E kjo duket se ka ndodhur ditët e fundit edhe në lagjen “Alderley Edge” në Cheshire të Londrës, e quajtur ndryshe edhe ‘Knightsbridge of the North’.

Banorët e një prej lagjeve më të pasura në Angli kanë nxjerr ditën e djeshme makinat e tyre në rrugë, duke tërhequr jo pak vëmendje, sidomos të fotoreporterëve të shumtë të mediave që gjuajnë sensacione.

Sipas “Daily Mail”, lagja “Alderley Edge” në Cheshire, është “shtëpia” e disa prej super veturave më të shtrenjta në botë.

Por pavarësisht se të rinjtë janë të pasionuar mbas shpejtësisë dhe makinave luksoze, ka edhe banorë të tjerë të kësaj lagjeje, të cilët janë të shqetësuar nga zhurmat që makinat me super-motorë bëjnë nga marmitat e tyre.

Marka nga më të shtrenjtat kanë bërë xhiro në rrugët e lagjes, duke lënë pa frymë banorët dhe kalimtarët, jo vetëm nga uturima e motorrëve, por edhe nga markat dhe vlera e tyre.

Kjo fotogaleri sjell imazhet e asaj që është bërë në këtë lagje, e cila për shumë shqiptarë do të ngjante me mbrëmjet e fundjavës në ish-Bllok.

A heavily modified Audi R8 was another posh motor to drive through Alderley Edge today as a Range Rover prepares to pull out behind

The driver of this soft top Lamborghini will have been hoping the weather holds as he and a male friend took a drive through Cheshire

This car enthusiast was in his element as he took photos from next to two BMWs parked in Alderley Edge this afternoon

A Corvette Stingray was a popular car for supercar spotters to get pictures of as it drove through Alderley Edge today

Super car fans young and old were excited to get a picture of this Bentley Bentayga earlier today in the sun-kissed village

Plans are now being drawn up to make the village, home to Premier League footballers and TV personalities including Paddy McGuinness, a 20mph zone to deal with the cars. Pictured: A Morgan drives past an Italian restaurant in the village

Residents have had enough of the noise caused by the cars and swarms of people blocking pavements while they take pictures. Pictured: Car enthusiasts photograph a Chevrolet in the village

Residents in Alderley Edge in Cheshire which has become known for its supercars have hit out at 'boy racers' revving the engines of their Lamborghinis and Ferraris on its genteel streets. Pictured: Car enthusiasts photograph a Lamborghini in the village

The village is is home to some of the world's most expensive supercars, attracting attract motor enthusiasts and photographers from across the country. Pictured: A Bugatti in the village

Police have regularly been called in to crack down on the drivers' 'exhibitionist behaviour' and speeding. Pictured: Three orange Lamborghinis drive through the village

A specially painted Aston Martin is seen above going round a roundabout. On one day a £1million silver Jaguar E-Type was spotted, as well as a £250,000 Ferrari Pista Spider and £200,000 Lamborghini Aventado

Car spotters are seen taking pictures of a bright red Bentley Bentayga. Jordan Belsham, 23, who runs the @supercarsinmanchester_ Instagram page, says he loves the stream of expensive motors coming in and out of the town

A Lamborghini Urus is seen above being driven along the road while car spotters are pictured taking pictures from the pavement

Porsches are seen being driven along the road in a colourful display. Jordan Belsham, who runs the @supercarsinmanchester_ Instagram page, said: 'I love it. I love the fact you can come out here and don't know what you're going to get ¿ you could end up seeing the best car in the world'

Car spotters Jordan Belsham from Manchester, Sion Price from Rhyl, North Wales & Allan Mather from St Helens are pictured above from left to right. Mr Belsham said: ''Alderley Edge is known as the 'Knightsbridge of the north' because of the amount of cars here'

Younger car spotters Ben Reid From Liverpool, Kale Darks from Stoke on Trent, Scott Pattyso from Stoke on Trent and Lewie Murphy from North Manchester are pictured above from left to right

Car spotters are seen taking pictures of a blue Lamborghini soft top

An orange Lamborghini Urus is seen above

A Westfield is seen above being driven in the village

A woman is pictured above driving a Ferrari past one of the cafes in Alderley Edge

Proposals for the 20mph zone have been drawn up and are being consulted on. Pictured: A line of supercars queue up through the centre of the village

/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati:


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