FOTO/ Varka po përkundej dhe deti ishte ‘vaj’, por… Uou! Se çfarë doli…?!

Një grup vëzhguesisht kishin dalë në Lagunën San Ignacio, në Gadishullin e Baja Kalifornia në Meksikë për të parë balenat të cilat janë të shumta në numër në këtë zonë. Teksa ata po vështronin horizontin me kamera në duar për t’iu shkrepur foto, por një balenë është treguar ‘e zgjuar’ dhe ka hyrë poshtë varkës duke dalë në një pozicion që turistët nuk e prisnin.

Fotot e shkrepura tregojnë një entuziazëm të madh të vizitorëve teksa nxitojnë të kapin fotografinë më të bukurme balenën e cila u afrua tek ata.

‘Kur të gjithë u kthyen për ta parë, balena u zhyt sërish dhe ky çast u shoqërua me të qeshura dhe me brohoritje nga ana jonë. Thonë që nëse arrin të fotografosh një balenë, kjo gjë do të sjellë shumë fat.

Çelësi i të bërit një foto me balenat është…të jesh gjatë gjithë kohës në gatishmëri’,- u shprehën vizitorët.

Photos taken from another vessel show the stealthy whale poking its rostrum out from beneath the water as the group face forward, pointing their cameras at the open ocean ahead of them in anticipation (pictured)

But before the creature could disappear into the sea again, the whale watchers spotted her at the last second, with a second photograph showing their jubilation at the close encounter (pictured)

Fortunately, the sightseers turned around in their boat just in the nick of time to spot the huge humpback whale a matter of feet away from them, before she disappeared back under the water

Fortunately, the sightseers turned around in their boat just in the nick of time to spot the huge humpback whale a matter of feet away from them, before she disappeared back under the water

The whale watchers' near-miss was captured by director and photographer, Eric J Smith during a trip to San Ignacio Lagoon, in Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Pictured: Two boats of whale watchers have a close encounter with the sperm whale off the coast of Baja, Mexico

Smith, a 49-year-old from Los Angeles, said the whale 'slowly and silently stuck her head high above the water to look around. I was in another panga a few dozen feet away and caught the moment right before everyone realized she was so close.'

Pictured: A close-up of a humpback whale off the coast of Mexico. The species are found in oceans all over the world, and typically migrate up to 16,000 miles. They are known for breaching the surface, making them popular among whale watchers

Like other large whales, humpbacks were once the target of the whaling industry which nearly hunted them until extinction. A worldwide moratorium in 1966 outlawed hunting, and their numbers have partially recovered since

Pictured: One of the whale watchers pats a humpback whale from a sightseeing boat off the coast of Mexico



/Burimi: Daily Mail/ Përshtati:


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