FOTO/ Nga tuneli rozë në formë vagine te muret ‘Gucci’, modelja e famshme ‘hap dyert’ e shtëpisë

Modelja Cara Deleveigne ka hapur dyert e shtëpisë së saj të çuditshme. 28-vjeçarja tregoi tiparët unike të shtëpisë të frymëzuar nga Liza në Botën e Çudirave. Ajo u projektua nga arkitekti Nicolò Bini i Line Architecture.

Stili i kësaj banese përfshn shumë ngjyra, ka një tunel në formë vagine.

Stimulating: The actress has thrown open her doors for Architectural Digest, showing off the pink hideaway with a white ball seemingly meant to represent the clitoris

“Njeriu hyn në ‘kanalin e rilindjes’ përmes një skulpture vulvale të butë dhe pastaj vazhdon të zvarritet nga një derë e rrumbullakët e makinës larëse që përfaqëson një rectum. Unë vij këtu për të menduar, hyj këtu për të krijuar. Ndihem e frymëzuar në tunelin e vaginës”, tha Cara.

Shtëpia e Cara-s është plot me detaje unike, nga muret e Gucci-t te pjesa artistike e James Turrell.

'I come in here to think, I come in here to create. I feel inspired in the vagina tunnel,' she explained

She explained, showing how she can come out on the other side through a washing machine door

Back there! The tunnel is in her living room, and can be hidden behind a mirrored door

Creative: The home was designed with architect Nicolò Bini of Line Architecture, whom Cara describes as the Mad Hatter to her Alice in Wonderland

'I love slipping into these various characters, so I wanted my home to reflect lots of different themes and moods,' she said

Not so understated: She certainly had fun with colors, patterns, and statement pieces

Music to our ears! The living room has a see-through Wurlitzer piano, which is though to be worth upwards of $20,000

Showing off: She was excited to show off all of her bold wallpaper, calling this one her favorite

Empty house: Though she has a nice setup in the dining room, the pandemic has prevented her from entertaining

Bright spot: The dining room has eight bright yellow chairs

Loving it: She gushed over the shade of blue in her kitchen and pointed out a rotisserie chicken oven

For the birds: This Gucci wallpaper, which costs $510 for two panels measuring 2.25ft x 11.5ft each, was another favorite for Cara, who also loves the latticework on the ceiling

Her fave! One of her bathrooms is a shrine to David Bowie

Memorabilia: She even has a guitar signed by the late rock legend

Sleepover! For guests, she has this full-size bunk bed in a room with more bold wallpaper

Her game room has arcade machines include a Playboy pinball machine, and Cara admits that 'Hugh Hefner is a big inspiration for this house. This kind of feels like my Playboy mansion'

Playing around: She even has a ball pit built into the house, which she gamely uses

High stakes: The star likes to play games and showed off her poker table

Hangout spot: She has a screening room with a projector and screen that descends from the ceiling

Rack 'em up! Also among her games is this vintage pool table

Drinks, anyone? The star has several elaborately-decorated bars

Ommm! She said her bedroom makes her feel calm

Kick back! The master bathroom has a huge tub and a television for relaxing

Dressing up: The star has a large closet for her clothing and accessories

Extra space: She even has an entire shoe cupboard for more casual footwear

Goofing around: Upstairs, a whole shelving system is dedicated to hats

Chill: Outside, Cara's backyard boasts a swimming pool with fun pool toys

Safety first! She also has two trampolines built into the ground

Most important! Of course, there is also another stocked bar


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