‘Dita e Bastijës’/ Parisi mbushet sërish nga trupat e ushtrisë, por në paradë ka edhe momente romantike…  

Franca feston sot festën e saj kombëtare të njohur ndryshe si “Dita e Bastijës”. Në këtë ditë Francës duket se i është kthyer sërish krenaria pasi me mijëra trupa të ushtrisë franceze kanë marshuar në një paradë në bulevardin kryesor të Parisit.

Tanke, kavaleri, aeroplanë luftarakë dhe shumë ushtarë dhanë një spektakël në qiell dhe toke, pasi festimet e vitit të kaluar u zvogëluan për shkak të frikës nga virusi.

France celebrated its national holiday with thousands of troops marching down Champs-Elysees in Paris on Wednesday

Pavarësisht kësaj, qeveria vendosi të vazhdojë me paradën në “Champs-Elysees” gjithsesi, si pjesë e një përpjekjeje më të gjerë për t’u kthyer në aktivitetin para-pandemik.

Tema e paradës është “Fitimi i së Ardhmes”. Kjo temë i referohet, sipas gjeneralit Christophe Abad, guvernatorit ushtarak të Parisit, aftësisë kolektive të kombit për të kapërcyer vështirësitë e lidhura me krizën shëndetësore.

European special forces involved in anti-jihadist operations in Africa's Sahel region (pictured) were given prime position in France's Bastille Day celebrations on Wednesday, in a sign of President Emmanuel Macron's military priorities

Numri i spektatorëve gjithsesi ishte i kufizuar dhe ata ishin të pranishëm në një pjesë të vogël të paradës.

Për më tepër, çdo person që merrte pjesë duhej të tregonte një leje të posaçme, që vërtetonte se ata ishin vaksinuar plotësisht, apo që ishin shëruar kohët e fundit nga virusi, ose kishin një test negativ.

The traditional parade on France's national day returned to the Champs-Elysees after a one-year hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Pictured: Republican Guard ride their horses during the Bastille Day parade

Kufizime të ngjashme do të ketë edhe për ata që do të mblidhen për të parë një shfaqje fishekzjarrësh në kullën “Eiffel” në mbrëmje.

Por paradës së sotme nuk i kanë munguar as incidentet e vogla, si dhe momentet romantike. Një prej oficerëve të rinj të xhandarmerisë franceze, ka gjetur pikërisht momentin para fillimit të paradës për t’i propozuar për martesë duke u gjunjëzuar në “Champs-Elysees”, para të dashurës së tij, një fotoreportere që kishte ardhur aty për të shkrepur foto nga parada.

The soldier dropped down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend
His girlfriend said yes and the happy couple kissed

A Republican Guard falls from his horse during the Bastille Day parade after the horse stumbled on the ground

Alpha jets from the French Air Force Patrouille de France fly past Eiffel Tower during the Bastille Day celebrations

The holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris on July 14, 1789, which marked the birth of the French Revolution. Pictured: Troops of the Chad regiment parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue during the Bastille Day parade on Wednesday

Pupils of the School of the French Nationale Gendarmerie officers (Ecole des officers de la Gendarmerie nationale) take part in the annual Bastille Day military parade

Soldiers drive armoured vehicles drive down on the Champs-Elysees avenue during the Bastille Day parade

French President Emmanuel Macron and French Armies Chief of Staff General Francois Lecointre stand in the command car as they review troops prior to the annual Bastille Day military parade

Organizers of this year's event dubbed it an 'optimistic Bastille Day' aimed at 'winning the future' and 'celebrating a France standing together behind the tricolor (flag) to emerge from the pandemic.' Pictured: The 1st Spahi Regiment stands next to armoured car AMX-10 RC prior to the the annual Bastille Day military parade

While that optimism was widely felt in France a few weeks ago, clouds have returned to the national mood as the delta variant fuels new infections and prompted Macron to announce new vaccine rules this week. Pictured: Members of the Republican Guard march in formation on the Champs Elysees prior to the Bastille Day parade

French President Emmanuel Macron (left) and French Armies Chief of Staff General Francois Lecointre (right) stand in the command car during the annual Bastille Day military parade

Troops of the Chad regiment parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue during the Bastille Day parade and are followed by thousands of troops

French President Emmanuel Macron meets with families of French soldiers at the end of the annual Bastille Day parade

French President Emmanuel Macron reviews troops during the annual Bastille Day military parade

Pupils of the Special Military School of Saint-Cyr (Ecole speciale militaire de Saint-Cyr) march during the annual Bastille Day military parade

Macron speaks to his wife Brigitte Macron as they attend the military parade on Wednesday

Soldiers from the European Task force Takuba march during the annual Bastille Day parade. Roughly 80 French and European special forces drawn from the multinational Takuba force in the Sahel led the procession on foot, a choice intended to send a diplomatic message from Paris

Pupils of Saint-Cyr Coetquidan military academy hold swords as they march down the Champs-Elysees avenue

The clatter of hundreds of horseshoes accompanied military music as uniformed guards on horseback escorted President Emmanuel Macron

Jets of the Patrouille de France fly over the Champs-Elysees avenue during the Bastille Day parade

A French armoured division takes part in the annual Bastille Day parade

Students of 'Ecole des Mousses' Naval school parade during the annual Bastille Day military parade

Brigitte Macron (R) meets the crowd at the end of the annual Bastille Day military parade

Republican Guard cavalry officers march during the annual Bastille Day military parade

Members of the French Civil Defence (Securite Civile) march during the annual Bastille Day military parade

French Army armoured vehicles arrive at Place de la Concorde during the annual Bastille Day military parade
/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati: Priza.al/

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