“Lutje për një mrekulli?”/ Joe Biden dhe Zonja e Parë takohen me Papën në Vatikan përpara samitit të G20 (FOTO)

Joe Biden është takuar me Papa Françeskun në Vatikan përpara samitit të liderëve të G20-ës, i cili do të zhvillohet nesër në Romë.

Presidenti, një katolik i devotshëm romak, u fotografua duke u takuar dhe duke shkëmbyer dhurata me Papën në bibliotekën papale, ku u mbajtën bisedimet.

US President Joe Biden met Pope Francis in the Vatican for a closed-door meeting during which the pair are expected to discuss climate change and social injustice ahead of G20 summit tomorrow

Vatikani tha se takimi privat zgjati një orë e 15 minuta dhe më pas rreth 15 minuta të tjera u shpenzuan për fotografimin dhe shkëmbimin e dhuratave në prani të anëtarëve të tjerë të delegacionit, si gruaja e Biden, Jill.
Në vitin 2017, Françesku u takua me Presidentin e atëhershëm Donald Trump për 30 minuta dhe, në vitin 2014, Françesku u takua me Presidentin e atëhershëm Barack Obama për 52 minuta.

Gjatë takimit të tyre, Biden i dha Papa Françeskut një kasafortë të punuar me dorë nga viti 1930 nga Kisha e Trinisë së Shenjtë në DC, ku ai shpesh shkon në meshë. Një shënim shoqërues thotë se si dhuratë për Papën, Shtëpia e Bardhë gjithashtu do të dhurojë veshje dimërore për bamirësi.

Biden and Pope Francis were pictured smiling together during a private audience at the Vatican on Friday ahead of the COP26 and G20 summits

Biden do të takohet në Romë me liderët e grupit G20 të vendeve të pasura për një samit dy-ditor.

Ky është samiti i parë ballë për ballë i G20 që nga goditja e Covid dhe Biden shpreson ta përdorë atë për të riparuar reputacionin e tij ndërkombëtar pas tërheqjes së tij kaotike nga Afganistani që i frustroi aleatët e tij.
Axhenda për G20 është vendosur të përfshijë vaksinat Covid dhe aksesin global në kujdesin shëndetësor, rimëkëmbjen ekonomike nga pandemia dhe pabarazitë e pasurisë, ndryshimet klimatike dhe tregtinë.

Biden, a devout Roman Catholic, sat down with Pope Francis for a private meeting - his fourth with Francis but first since becoming President - in the Vatican on Friday

The Vatican said the private meeting lasted one hour and 15 minutes and then about another 15 minutes were spent for picture taking and the exchange of gifts in the presence of other members of the delegation, such as Biden's wife, Jill, who wore a traditionally mantilla veil

The Vatican said the private meeting lasted one hour and 15 minutes and then about another 15 minutes were spent for picture taking and the exchange of gifts in the presence of other members of the delegation, such as Biden's wife, Jill

Joe Biden has arrived at the Vatican for a closed-door meeting with Pope Francis during which the pair are expected to discuss climate change and social injustice ahead of G20 summit tomorrow

Joe and Jill Biden were pictured meeting with Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza (right) and the 'Pope's gentlemen' at the Apostolic Palace before being led to the papal library where his talks with Francis will take place


Biden has been facing criticism in the US over his support for abortion rights which has seen bishops call for him to be refused Communion. It is not known whether the issue will form part of his talks with Francis

Biden arrived in a colossal 85-car motorcade needed to carry his security detail because of Italian Covid rules that restrict each vehicle to a maximum of four occupants

Included in the convoy was an Ford SUV carrying electronic warfare equipment on its roof, which is thought to include technology to disable nearby IEDs and drones

Biden and Jill rode in the convoy inside The Beast, the heavily-armoured presidential limousine

Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza greets US President Joe Biden as he arrives at San Damaso courtyard in The Vatican

Joe Biden gestures to wife Jill to join him as he meets Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza, the regent of the Papal Household, at the Vatican ahead of a meeting with Pope Francis

TV cameras capture the moment Joe Biden arrives at the Vatican, though will not be permitted to record the meeting itself after live coverage with abruptly cancelled without explanation

Joe Biden departs after having a bilateral meeting with Pope Francis and His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, at the Vatican

A Swiss Guard stands by the US motorcade during Biden's meeting with the Pope on Friday

The car transporting US President Joe Biden and US First Lady Jill Biden arrives at San Damaso courtyard in The Vatican

A member of the Swiss Guard raises the US flag above the San Damaso courtyard before the arrival of Joe Biden

Scores of security personnel were also seen leaving the military plane. They were thankfully treated to a break in the downpours

The G20 leaders' summit will take place between Saturday and Sunday in Rome, with Covid vaccines, the global economic recovery from the pandemic and climate change set to be high up the agenda




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