FOTO/ Kush ua ka dhënë patentën? Me këta shoferë nuk do të donit të udhëtonit kurrë

Persona nga e gjithë bota kanë ndarë disa nga ‘gafat’ më të mëdha të shoferëve.

1. Kamioni përplaset me një urë

Social media users from around the world have shared examples of the worst driving they have ever witnessed. Pictured, a B&Q lorry crashes into a low bridge in the UK

2. Makina luksoze përfundon në kanal

These bystanders watched in horror after spotting motorists drive into a river (pictured), or crash their lorry into a bridge, as shown in an online photo gallery on Bored Panda

3. Ky shofer ka ngecur sipër një gardhi dhe ka goditur një mur.

A driver is seen hanging over a garden after smashing through some fencing and crashing in to a wall

4. Dy automjete përplasen, njëra prej tyre përfshihet nga flakët.

Two vehicles crash together, with one going up in flames, in this terrifying image shared online

5. Paksa e vogël. Një shofer kamioni mban një ngarkesë shumë më të madhe sesa automjeti i tij.

A little too small: A lorry driver carries cargo too big for their vehicle in this amusing snap

6. Në ‘fije të perit’. Kjo makinë për pak sa nuk bie nga ura.

A car slightly hangs from a bridge in this horrifying photograph shared online and collated in a Bored Panda gallery

7. Çfarë ndodhi këtu? Një kalimtar gjen dy fuoristrada të përmbysura në rërë.

What happened here? A bystander spotted two 4x4s stranded and left in the sand after having been flipped over

Foto të tjera:

Disaster waiting to happen: A driver caught a fellow motorist driving with a car strapped to the back of their vehicle

Not the greatest of plans: A motorist captured this fellow driver with their cargo bed filled and left open

One neighbour documented this vehicle, explaining that the motorist had failed to realise they'd driven off with part of a petrol pump

How did this even happen? Social media users were left baffled by this image that shows a vehicle stuck in a mountain of snow

Going down: This car was wrecked after the driver crashed into a concrete pillar at an unknown location

Missing something? One person shared this photograph and explained someone had smashed their car into their letterbox but left their registration number plate

The cars lining up in this queue are apparently unknowingly waiting for a parked car to move

The social media user, thought to be from Britain, behind this post said they were the driver who crashed into a stopped bus



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