FOTO/ Modelja e njohur ndan ‘hallin’ e saj të madh: Njerëzit nuk besojnë që jam e vërtetë nga bukuria e tepërt që kam

Një modele sllovake, Veronika Rajek, ka thënë se ajo sulmohet rregullisht nga adresa “xheloze” në internet dhe pretendon se jeta është më e vështirë për njerëzit e bukur.

25 vjeçarja mburret me 1.1 milionë ndjekësit e saj në Instagram, dhe poston shpesh foto seksi të saj me bikini. Por bjondja, e cila tani banon në Vjenë, Austri thotë se llogaria e saj në Instagram po fshihet vazhdimisht sepse përdoruesit besojnë se ajo është shumë e bukur për të qenë reale.

Veronika Rajek, 25, from Slovakia, claims that her Instagram profile constantly gets deleted because followers report her for being fake, because she's 'too pretty' to exist

“Ata mendojnë se unë jam një robot në internet. Unë e quaj veten një alien pasi njerëzit as nuk e besojnë se unë ekzistoj“, tha ajo.

Bukuroshja e përshkruan fshirjen e llogarisë së saj si diskriminim. Ajo ka deklaruar gjithashtu senuk ka shumë miq dhe njerëzit shpesh janë shumë të frikësuar për t’ju afruar.

“Unë nuk mendoj se jam perfektepor njerëzit kanë frikë nga unë dhe nuk duan të flasin me mua. E kam më keq pasi njerëzit ma bëjnë më të vështirë sepse jam e bukur”, ka thënë ajo.

Instagram model Veronika travels the world creating content for her social media profile and says that her figure and breasts are completely natural

Veronika insists that she doesn't edit her social media snaps to look different, aside from using a 'normal' skin smoothing tool

The model admitted that she doesn't have lots of friends, and said that her life is made harder by other people because of her good looks

Veronika insists her curves are all natural and even had a scan of her breasts in Dubai to prove she's not had surgery


To maintain her figure she works out five times a week and doesn't drink or party

The influencer said that people assume she's a catfish or AI robot and report her Instagram profile for being fake

Veronika, who awas previously crowned Miss Slovakia, said that it's other women who make her life harder by constantly questioning her looks

Veronika said that she was bullied for being flat-chested when she was at school and she only started to develop curves in her late teens

'People say beautiful people have it easy but I have it worse as people make it harder for me because I'm beautiful,' Veronika claimed

The Instagram model said that she calls herself an 'alien' because other people don't believe she's real

Veronika has been modelling since she was 14-years-old and considers her good looks to be a 'gift from God'

Veronika insists she's not trying to create a sexual persona, but has naturally big boobs

People assume she's had plastic surgery, and she claimed that even a doctor couldn't believe her curves were natural

Veronika, who has 1.1 million followers on Instagram said that she prizes her confidence and believes that it's self-esteem that makes you beautiful

The Instagram influencer said she gets more abuse from women because they are jealous and assume she is going to want to steal their boyfriend


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