Foto/ Të vogla dhe të adhurueshme, shkrepjet që do ju shkrijnë zemrat

Nga një lepur i vogël tek një këlysh cheetah, këto foto kapin disa nga kafshët më të adhurueshme nga e gjithë bota. Fotot janë marrë nga fotografë amatorë dhe profesionistë të jetës së egër, me shembujt më të mirë të mbledhur në një galeri në internet nga Bored Panda.

Fotot që spikasin përfshijnë një iriq duke u përqafuar me një iriq lodër ndërsa flinte dhe dy këlyshë ariu që shëtisnin pas nënës së tyre. Një tjetër shkrepje tregon hipopotamin me pamjen më të ëmbël duke notuar nën ujë dhe duket sikur nuk mund të ishte pronar i dhëmbëve të mëdhenj dhe të fortë.

This lovely little pair of American stoats look like we've quite interrupted their stroll across the road and they'd like to get back to their business

This tiny bunny in a garden deserve a prize for being this tiny and round, it's almost unbearable
These three Alaskan brown bears walking along the beach got their timing just right, and their bouncy little feet pads are wonderfully in sync
An extremely rare sighting of the duck flower, only created when young ducks get a little chilly
This stunning little fawn resting on a carpet of purple flowers is quite simply astonishing to look at
A bowl of baby otters is perhaps the last thing most would expect to see but the soul needs what the soul needs
This little Hippo is called Fiona and lives at the Cincinnati Zoo, her adorable face is inviting but she actually natures cutest ferocious animal
A puppy named Marley and her bunny friend Beau chilled on a couch in Australia and absolutely no one was mad about it
This hungry little leopard gecko hungrily eyes up his next bug filled meal and we're very glad he chose to do that
What could possibly be better than a hedgehog cuddling the toy version of himself? Absolutely nothing
This is a baby tiger quoll, a marsupial native to eastern Australia, you probably haven't seen one before and you're probably obsessed with them now
This big-eyed little bee is so tiny and cute, she surely would never think of stinging anyone, right?
This little baby cheetah is staring right into our souls and sending us messages that it's incredibly cute
This happy little hamster clearly wanted to have some attention and we'll gladly give it to them
This sleep little branch fox from Vosges in France has found the perfect sleeping spot and looks so ridiculously cosy
This tiny little US hummingbird who decided to take a seat on a garden chair is not only sweet but extremely brave considering a big human bottom could come along at any moment
If this least tern hatchling from New Jersey doesn't inspire you to put your best foot forward then nothing will
/Burimi: Daily Mail/ Përshtati:

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