FOTO+VIDEO/ Alarmi gjithë Washingtonin, policia neutralizon autorin që kërcënoi se do të vinte bombë në Capitol Hill  

Një 49-vjeçar amerikan është arrestuar sot pasi kërcënonte se kishte bombë dhe se do ta shpërthente atë pranë ndërtesës së senatit në “Capitol Hill”, Washingron D.C.

Floyd Roy Roseberry i’u dorëzua “butësisht” autoriteteve pasi kishte dhënë më parë alarmin se mbarte eksploziv me vete në kamionçinën e tij 4×4, raporton “Daily Mail”.

Floyd Ray Roseberry, 49, surrenders to police in Washington DC on Thursday after a five-hour standoff. He drove onto a sidewalk outside the Library of Congress and demanded to speak to Joe Biden

Ai parkoi kamionçinën pranë Bibliotekës, dhe më pas shpërndante video kërcënuese në rrjetet sociale si dhe kishte hedhur aty pranë edhe një dorë dollarë.

Ishte një oficer që pikasi 49-vjeçarin me një mjet në dorën e tij, që dyshohej se ishte aparati për detonimin e eksplozivit. Policia rrethoi menjëherë vendin teksa u përfshi në negociata me autorin.

In the live stream - which has not been confirmed by police, the man says: 'We got a few options here Joe. You shoot me, two and half blocks are going with me'

Gjithsesi, policia po kontrollon kamionin teksa shumë godina rreth “Capitol Hill” u evakuuan nga autoritetet, kurse të tjerëve u është bërë thirrje mos lëvizin.

Describing the device to the camera, the man says: 'This is Tannerite. I'm sure they know what it is. Just come and talk to me Joe.'

A witness also posted a picture to Twitter which showed the same man in a truck, after he tossed dollar bills out of the window

A bomb detection robot is next to the vehicle, that is still on the ground outside the Library of Congress on Thursday

Roseberry is parked on 2nd Street, next to the Library of the Congress, and the is directly opposite the Capitol building but it's further from the White House, where President Joe Biden is

Roseberry, shown with his 'tannerite bomb' says he's waiting for other patriots to join him and that the revolution is 'here'

Roseberry, shown with his 'tannerite bomb' says he's waiting for other patriots to join him and that the revolution is 'here'

A police sniper team remains in position near the Library of Congress on Capitol Hill August 19, 2021 in Washington, DC. A man drove a pickup truck onto the sidewalk outside the Library this morning telling police officers that he had a bomb

Police officers man a police barricade while responding to a bomb threat near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., August 19, 2021

A DC Metropolitan Police Department armored vehicle arrives on the East Plaza of the U.S. Capitol responding to an active bomb threat unfolds near the Library of Congress on Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021

Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger reported that a man had driven a pickup onto the sidewalk next to the Library of Congress Thursday morning, and told authorities he had a bomb. As of noon, he said, negotiations with the man were still ongoing

The man in the pickup truck told police that he had an explosive device in his possession Thursday morning, prompting authorities to lock down the entire Capitol complex

Police blockaded the area around the building, which is near the Capitol and the Supreme court

US Capitol Police advised people to stay away from the area and police were sending in negotiators to engage with the driver of the pickup truck

According to reports from the scene, the entire Capitol complex had been placed on lockdown

Police were investigating a report of a possible explosive device in a pickup truck outside the Library of Congress on Capitol Hill and have evacuated the area around the building

/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati:

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