FOTO+VIDEO/ Sulm terrorist në ‘Ditën e të rënëve’ në Britani! Ja momenti kur shpërthen taksia para maternitetit në Liverpul

Mediat më të mëdha britanike dhe ato të botës janë fokusuar këtë mëngjes në një shpërthim autobombe që ndodhi në oborrin e brendshëm të një materniteti në Liverpul të Britanisë së Madhe.

Ky është momenti kur një taksi që mbante brenda një kamikaz, shpërtheu përpara një materniteti në Liverpul. Policia po e heton rastin në fjalë, si një sulm terrorist.

This is the moment the taxi carrying an alleged suicide bomber exploded outside a Liverpool hospital in what police and MI5 are now probing as a Poppy Day terror attack.

Një shofer taksie është vlerësuar si heroi i ditës në Liverpul, pasi mendohet se shpëtoi jetën e shumë njerëzve.

David Perry, arriti të kyçë brenda në makinë një kamikaz të dyshuar, vetëm pak sekonda para se mjeti i tij të shpërthente përpara një spitali.

The taxi is seen travelling into the hospital car park at a fair speed at just before 10.57am, at a time when the driver may have chosen to lock the doors to keep his passenger inside having become suspicious of him

Policia britanike dyshon se bëhet fjalë për një sulm terrorist. Sipas “Daily Mail”, shpërthimi në taksinë e David Perry, ndodhi pak sekonda përpara se të mbahej heshtja në nderim të “Ditës së të Rënëve”.

Pasagjeri mashkull kishte kërkuar të shkonte përpara Kishës Anglikane të Liverpulit, ku do mbahej një përkujtimore në nderim të të rënëve me të paktën 1200 të ftuar. Për shkak të trafikut, pasagjeri kërkoi që shoferi të parkonte makinën përpara një Spitali Obstetrik në Liverpul.

Before the car can come to a halt, it explodes, with all the windows shattered by debris from the blast

Por 45-vjeçari britanik e kuptoi planin ogurzi dhe e kyçi terroristin e dyshuar në makinë, përpara se ai të shpërthente.

Nga kjo ngjarje vdiq vetëm pasagjeri kamikaz. Shoferi i taksisë mori plagë nga shpërthimi, por pa rrezik për jetën.

Smoke billows out of the car. Friends of the driver have said that he became suspicious of the man he had on board

Lidhur me këtë ngjarje policia britanike, por edhe shërbimet e sigurisë, janë vënë në lëvizje dhe kanë arrestuar 3 persona, nën dyshimet për terrorizëm. Identitetet e tyre nuk janë bërë të ditura, por raportohet se janë të moshave 29, 26 dhe 21 vjeç.

Smoke billows out of the car. Friends of the driver have said that he became suspicious of the man he had on board

A dazed Mr Perry is seen opening the door around six seconds after the blast. He is lucky to be alive and his passenger is likely to be dead

The hero taxi driver runs from the vehicle and appears to point away from the car, warning people to stay away because of what has unfolded inside

By 10.59am the car was fully alight and Mr Perry had been carried away by a member of the hospital security team

Hero taxi driver David Perry who apparently locked a suicide bomber in his car before a blast ripped through the vehicle outside a maternity hospital in Liverpool on SundayHero taxi driver David Perry with his wife Rachel


Three men have been arrested as part of a terror probe after one person died and another was injured when a taxi pulled up and exploded (pictured) at Liverpool Women's Hospital seconds before the 11am Remembrance Sunday silence began

These are the events that led to the explosion outside the Liverpool Women's Hospital yesterday and the arrests and raids that followed

Meanwhile around a mile from the Liverpool hospital, Rutland Avenue was cordoned off, with counter-terror officers and a 'negotiation team' at the scene. Locals said armed police, with dogs (pictured) ordered residents to leave, saying the area ‘wasn’t safe’ and were ‘pointing guns at a house’

Heavily armed police were seen at an address in Rutland Avenue near Liverpool's Sefton Park on Sunday nightAn officer was seen holding a breaching gun used to blast the hinges off doors


A police officer stands guard near the scene of a car blast at Liverpool Women's Hospital in Liverpool this morning

Police activity in Sutcliffe Street in the Kensington area of Liverpool, where three men, aged 21, 26 and 27, were arrested last night. They appear to be focussing on a property next to the Sir Walter Raleigh pub

Armed police were earlier pictured at Boaler Street, Kensington, and Rutland Avenue near Sefton Park (pictured today) as officers closed the roads with vehicles and cordons

Residents were ordered to remain inside while near neighbours were evacuated but some of the locals appeared to be inside the cordon this morning (pictured)

Footage posted online showed a car engulfed in bright orange flamesThe car was outside the maternity hospital in Liverpool

Counter terrorism police launched an investigation into the explosion earlier today with raids carried out and a bomb squad (pictured) on site

A close friend of Mr Perry's told MailOnline the family believe the original target was the Remembrance service: 'The passenger asked David to go to the cathedral (pictured) so we believe that was the intended target. But they got stuck in heavy traffic so the passenger asked to go to the hospital instead'

Armed police were pictured outside two addresses on separate streets in Liverpool as officers closed the roads and residents were ordered to remain inside

Rutland Avenue near Sefton Park (pictured) and Boaler Street in Kensington were blocked by police vehicles and cordons, witnesses said

Police attended the incident, along with Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and the North West Regional Ambulance Service

The explosion took place at Liverpool Women's Hospital. A short walk from the Remembrance Day Service at Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral. There were three arrests at Sutcliffe Street in Kensington and a police operation at Rutland Avenue, where armed officers swarmed around a Victorian block of flats

/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati:

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