Madhështia e Hitlerit jeton ende, nuk do ta besoni se çfarë ka fshehur diktatori i tmerrshëm (FOTO)

Gjuetarët e thesareve po planifikojnë të gërmojnë 48 arka ari naziste me vlerë gati gjysmë miliardë paund në një pallat të përdorur nga Hitleri si bordello. Gërmimi pritet të nisë javën e ardhshme dhe shpresohet të gjendet 10 tonë ar bashkë me sende të tjera me vlerë në mjediset e pallatit të shekullit të 18-të në fshatin Minkoëskie në Poloninë jugore.

Treasure hunters are planning to dig up what they say could be 48 crates of Nazi gold worth nearly half a billion pounds at a palace (pictured) used by Hitler's SS as a brothel

Thesari u vodh me urdhër të shefit të SS, Heinrich Himmler në fundin e Luftës së Dytë Botërore për të ngritur në Rajh të katërt. Gërmimi mendohet të përfshijë të ashtuquajturin ‘ari i Breslaut’, i cili u zhduk nga selia e policisë në qytetin polak afër Wroclaw.

Mendohet gjithashtu që aty të gjenden stoli dhe sende me vlerë nga koleksionet private të gjermanëve të pasur të cilët jetonin në rajon dhe që ua dorëzonin pasuritë e tyre SS-ve në mënyrë që ata t’i mbronin nga plaçkitja e Ushtrisë së Kuqe. Vendndodhja u zbulua nga dokumentet sekrete, ditari i një oficeri SS dhe një hartë që kërkuesit e thesareve e morën nga pasardhësit e oficerëve që i përkisnin një shtëpize të fshehtë që daton mbi 1000 vjet.

Starting next week, the dig is expected to uncover 10 tonnes of gold along with other valuables in the grounds of the 18th century palace (archive picture) in the village of Minkowskie in southern Poland

The location was revealed by secret documents, a diary (pictured) and a map that the treasure hunters received from the descendants of SS officers belonging to a secretive lodge worshipped by Himmler and dating back over 1,000 years

Among the bundle of documents is a letter (pictured) from a senior SS officer called von Stein to one of the girls who worked at the palace in Minkowskie and who later became his lover. The officer wrote: 'My dear Inge, I will fufill my assignment, with God's will. Some transports were successful. The remaining 48 heavy Reichsbank's chests and all the family chests I hereby entrust to you. 'Only you know where they are located. May God help you and help me, fulfil my assignment'

A diary (one page pictured), said to have been written by a high-ranking SS officer under the pseudonym Michaelis, last year revealed the location of another palace in the region where it is thought 28 tonnes of treasure is buried at the bottom of a well

The treasure was stolen on the orders of SS boss Heinrich Himmler (pictured) towards the end of WWII to set up a Fourth Reich

A diary entry from March 12, 1945, referring to the treasure at the palace (pictured) in Minkowskie says: 'A trough has been dug in the orangery, which is a safe "home" for the delivered chests and containers'

Roman Furmaniak, head of the Silesian Bridge foundation leading the hunt for the treasure, told MailOnline: 'Several people took part in hiding the deposits in Minkowskie. One of them was an officer called von Stein. He used to stay in the palace (an interior image, pictured) because he had a lover there. Due to its location it was often visited by high-ranking SS officers who treated it like a brothel'

The palace in Minkowskie (archive picture) dates back to the 18th century when it was built by Prussian general Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz

The lodge that handed over the documents takes its name from Quedlinburg, a small town in Saxony-Anhalt. Quedlinburg members were appointed to top positions in many Nazi-era institutions, most notably the fearsome Waffen SS. Among them was SS monster General Hans Kammler (pictured) who led work on the design of gas chambers and crematoria used in death camps


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