Mbroni natyrën pa hequr dorë nga luksi/ Vjen makina e paparë Range Rover, ja me se punon (FOTO+VIDEO)

Makina Range Rover plotësisht elektrike do të dalë në shitje për klientët brenda tre viteve. Ai do të jetë i pari nga gjashtë Land Rover-at plotësisht elektrikë, duke udhëhequr një gamë të plotë modelesh me bateri që do të pasojnë.

Duke marrë parasysh deklaratat e Familjes Mbretërore angleze rreth gjendjes së planetit, ka shumë gjasa që ata të jenë të parët që do të marrin Range Roverin elektrik me bateri.

Ai është projektuar posaçërisht në një platformë të re fleksibël e cila i lejon inxhinierët ta fuqizojnë atë me motorë elektrikë dhe bateri, si dhe me benzinë konvencionale, naftë dhe shtytje hibride, me çmime që fillojnë nga 94,400 £. Njoftimi u bë online globalisht nga Londra Royal Opera House.

Range Rover i ri po ndërtohet në fabrikën e rinovuar të firmës në Solihull, pranë Birmingham, në Ëest Midlands. Qeveria ka konfirmuar se shitjet e makinave të reja me benzinë dhe naftë do të ndalohen në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar duke nisur nga viti 2030.

From gas guzzler to eco warrior: This is the new fifth-generation Range Rover that - in 2024 - will be available as a fully-electric vehicle

Bosses said the looks are 'more evolutionary than revolutionary', though the rear light cluster is a departure from previous Range Rover design and not like any other model in the British marque's line up

Along with a petrol-electric plug-in hybrid version and - for the first time - the option of an additional two passengers with a family-friendly seven seat layout, bosses hope the 'electrification' of the British designed and built Range Rover off-roader will help banish forever its 'gas-guzzler' reputation

The fifth-generation Range Rover is very much in-keeping with the flagship SUV's modern looks

Daily Mail's Ray Massey had an early preview of the all-new Range Rover at the home of JLR in Gaydon ahead of its unveiling

Prices for launch models - which includes mild hybrid petrols and diesels, plug-in hybrids and a range-topping V8 petrol will start from £94,400 and go all the way up to almost £138,000

The battery-only model arriving in 2024 will be the first of six fully electric Land Rovers, spearheading a full-range of battery-powered models to follow

An electric-only Range Rover will become Land Rover's first full EV model launched in 2024 and be followed by six others as part of the brand's efforts to switch power sources ahead of the ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars at the end of the decade

For the first time ever, Range Rover buyers will be able to choose if they want a five- or seven-seat layout for their luxury 4X4

Like many other car makers, Land Rover is moving away from animal-based materials for its interior fabrics to show it can be a sustainable brand

The curved screen up front is the largest in Range Rover history at 13.1 inches

Passengers in the back also get 11.4-inch rear displays

Land Rover have made changes to the boot and tailgate to make it more practical - for you and for your pets, it appears

The SV version will feature a clever 'Club Table' with a chiller recess for champagne bottle and two Dartington Crystal glass flutes

The most expensive variants will feature a chilled cabinet for drinks in the rear passenger armrest

Passengers will always be sitting comfortably with power seats, their own screens and control function located in the central armrest

It has also been put through some 260,000 'virtual' assessments with 125 'and counting' unique patents lodged

Electric Range Rover will be a perfect motor for a green Queen: Her Royal Highness has in the past been frequently photographed at the wheel of Range Rovers and other vehicles in the Land Rover line-up, as well as being chauffeured in them

The Queen, accompanied by Major General Matthew Sykes (C) and Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Gregory (L), stands in her State Review Range Rover to inspect troops of the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery during their 70th Anniversary Parade in Hyde Park on October 19, 2017 in London


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