Para gjyqit për abuzimin seksual, Mbretëresha merr vendimin drastik për Princin Andrew

Duka i Jorkut, Andrew, do të përballet me gjyqin në SHBA për akuzat për abuzim seksual. Kështu, nëna e tij Mbretëresha Elizabeth ka marrë vendimin e papritur duke i hequr përkatësitë e tij ushtarake dhe patronazhet mbretërore.

Sipas Buckingham Palace, Princi Andrew do ta mbrojë çështjen e tij në gjykatë si një qytetar i thjeshtë dhe s’do të ketë mundësi të përdorë titujt e tij për t’i shpëtuar gjykimit.

The deal had been done before Andrew arrived at his mother’s door, a short drive from his own Windsor home, Royal Lodge, writes RICHARD KAY

Një burim mbretëror tregoi për “Reuters” se Mbretëresha do të rishpërndajë rolet e tij brenda anëtarëve të tjerë të familjes mbretërore.

Ky vendim vjen një ditë pasi një gjykatës amerikan hapi padinë nga Virginia Giuffre, e cila supozon se Princi Andrew e ka përdhunuar atë tre herë kur ajo ishte adoleshente.

For the royals, blood is always thicker than water. But with the Duke of York, sentiment has been replaced by steely pragmatism

Andrew shërbeu në Marinën Mbretërore për 22 vite dhe gjatë kësaj kohe mbajti nëntë role nderi ushtarake. Në vitin 2017, Mbretëresha e emëroi atë kolonel të Gardës Grenadier, një regjiment elitar këmbësorie i Ushtrisë Britanike, një post nderi që dikur mbante babai i tij, Princi Philip.

Andrew nuk ka kryer asnjë detyrë publike në emër të Mbretëreshës që nga viti 2019, kur u tërhoq nga roli i tij si anëtar i lartë i familjes mbretërore mes pasojave për miqësinë e tij me financierin e turpëruar Jeffrey Epstein.

Prince Andrew is seen with his arm around Virginia Roberts while Ghislaine Maxwell stands in the background, in a now infamous photo from early 2001

Giuffre, një nga akuzuesit më të zëshëm të Epstein, thotë se Andrew ka abuzuar seksualisht me të në tre raste kur ajo ishte 17 vjeç.

Në gusht, ajo e paditi atë në gjykatën civile në SHBA. Andrew ka thënë se ai është i pafajshëm.

In a brutal two-line statement Buckingham Palace also forced him to drop his HRH title and dashed his hopes of resuming public duties

Prince AndrewThe Queen

The Duke of York will be digesting the implications of the judge's refusal to throw out his sex assault lawsuit

Prince Andrew will no longer be able to use his military title as Honorary Air Commodore, Royal Air Force Lossiemouth. He is pictured with personnel in Lossiemouth, Scotland in 2015

The Duke's military title 'Royal Colonel of the Royal Highland Fusilier' has also been taken from him. Pictured: Prince Andrew watches soldiers from the Royal Highland Fusiliers 2nd Battalion in May 2011

A Royal Navy veteran, Prince Andrew was named the Admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps. He is pictured aboard the Indian aircraft carrier INS Viraat in Mumbai, India, in May 2012

Prince Andrew is pictured in 2001 with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson and their children in Verbier, Switzerland. Ms Giuffre's lawyers admit they could call all of them to give evidence

Ghislaine Maxwell gives Jeffrey Epstein a foot massage on his private jet dubbed the 'Lolita Express' and said to have taken Virginia to London where she was allegedly forced to gave sex with Andrew

Yesterday’s announcement drew a veil over Andrew’s 43-year association with the UK’s armed forces. However, the prince will retain his honorary rank of Vice Admiral, having been granted this by the Navy on his 55th birthday in 2015.

The prince, who remained on the Navy’s Active List until 2001, was also Commodore-in-Chief of the Fleet Air Arm and Honorary Air Commodore of RAF Lossiemouth (pictured above)

The duke held a number of prestigious honorary positions, including Colonel of the Grenadier Guards – the Army’s most senior regiment

Pictured: Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Queen Elizabeth II depart the Commonwealth Service on Commonwealth Day at Westminster Abbey on March 11, 2019

The £18million ski chalet Prince Andrew so disastrously bought with Sarah, Duchess of York, in Verbier, five years ago. He has now been forced to sell it after failing to make the second £5million instalment he owed the vendor, French socialite Isabelle de Rouvre, who took legal action to retrieve it

The Queen last night cast Prince Andrew out of the Royal Family, stripping him of all his military titles and patronages




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