VIDEO/ Ia morën nga dora djalin 5-vjeçar, nëna ‘luftarake’ nuk dorëzohet! Sulet drejt makinës së rrëmbyesve dhe kacafytet…

Është shumë e vërtetë shprehja se nëna për fëmijën jep edhe jetën! Por një nënë ka arritur të shpëtojë djalin e saj të mitur, nga duart e rrëmbyesve duke ua marrë sërish atyre.

Dolores Diaz Lopez, ishte duke kaluar së bashku me djalin e saj 5-vjeçar në lagjen Rchmond Hill, në Nju Jork, ku papritur, një person kapi për dore djalin e saj dhe e vendosi me shpejtësi brenda një makine.

James McGonagle, 24, right, has been arrested for allegedly trying to kidnap a five-year-old boy in broad daylight. His father, also named James McGonagle, left, was with him at the time

Në këtë moment, gruaja është sulur me shpejtësi drejt mjetit dhe ka arritur ta nxjerrë vogëlushin nga dritarja në një kohë rekord.

Policia sakaq, ka sekuestruar të gjitha kamerat e sigurisë në zonë dhe është vendosur në gjurmët e autorëve, ndërsa nëna, në një intervistë për mediat amerikane ka thënë:

James McGonagle, 24, is currently undergoing a psych evaluation in hospital. It is not known where his father is

“Në atë moment nuk mendova për veten, por për djalin. Gjëja e parë që thashë ishte: ‘O Zot, vogëlushi im, o Zot, djali im’! Vrapova si e çmendur për të shpëtuar djalin, e fatmirësisht ia dola”.

Dolores Diaz Lopez was walking in the Richmond Hill neighborhood of Queens when someone tried to grab her five-year-old son Jacob from the sidewalk.

Jacob Diaz, 5, is pictured safe in his home after his horrific kidnapping attempt

He was not injured and his family said he was scared but did not cry through horrific encounter.

A mother was walking with her children on Hillside Avenue in Queens on Thursday evening when her five-year-son became the victim of a brazen attempted kidnapping

A man in a white T-shirt emerges from a maroon sedan and runs up to the family, who apparently did not know him

Surveillance video shows the man scoop up the five-year-old boy and carry him to the car

The recording released by the NYPD does not have audio

The suspect stuffs the boy into the back seat of the sedan while being pursued by the boy's family

The mother jumps into action, grabs her son through the front passenger window and pulls him out of the car

Police say the boy was not harmed during the thwarted kidnapping

/Burimi: Daily Mail/Përshtati:

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