Wow! Kajro ‘pushtohet’ nga faraonët nëpër rrugë, shihni pamjet që vijnë një herë në jetë

Egjipti zhvilloi të shtunën një paradë spektakolare me 22 mumie të faraonëve më të famshëm, nga qendra e Kajros në një muze. Ceremonia u zhvillua përgjatë Nilit. Mumiet, 18 faraonë dhe katër mbretër, u transportuan në një temperaturë konstante që mos të pësonin dëmtime, në makina të zbukuruara me krahë dhe dizajn faraonik. Ata u varrosën rreth 3000 vjet më parë në varre të fshehta në ‘Luginën e Mbretërve’ afër Deir el-Bahri. Varret u gërmuan për herë të parë në shekullin e 19-të.

Shumica e mumieve i përkasin Mbretërisë së Re antike, e cila sundoi egjiptin midis viteve 1539 pes deri në 1075 pes. Parada është pjesë e përpjekjeve të Egjiptit për të ringjallur industrinë e turizmit që ka mbetur e tronditur nga trazirat politike pas kryengritjes popullore të vitit 2011 që rrëzoi autokratin Hosni Mubarak, dhe së fundmi, pandeminë e koronavirusit. Ministri i Turizmit dhe Antikiteteve Khaled el-Anany tha: ‘Kjo paradë është një ngjarje unike globale që nuk do të përsëritet.’

Siguria është e rreptë në kryeqytet, me autoritetet që kanë mbyllur rrugët kryesore dhe kryqëzimet gjatë gjithë rrugës për automjetet që lëvizin ngadalë. Presidenti i Egjiptit Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, i cili mirëpriti mumiet në muzeun e ri, shkroi në Twitter: “Kjo skenë madhështore është një provë e re e madhështisë së këtij populli, ruajtja e këtij civilizimi unik që shtrihet në thellësitë e historisë.”

Vehicles are seen during the parade as the Royal mummies are transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, Cairo

The carriage carrying the mummy of Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, daughter of Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao II, advances as part of the parade of 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies departing from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo's Tahrir Square on April 3

A mummy is seen in a video screened during the ceremony. They were originally buried around 3,000 years ago in secret tombs in the Valley of Kings and the nearby Deir el-Bahri site

A general view showing the parade at the ceremony. The mummies include Ramses II, one of the country's most famous pharaohs, and Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt's only woman Pharaoh

A marching band is pictured t the start of the parade where 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies departed to their new resting place about seven kilometres south in historic Fustat

Royal mummies are transported in a convoy from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

A general aerial view of the parade held to mark the transfer of Royal mummies to a museum in Fustat, Cairo, Egypt

A light display is seen in Tahrir Square as royal mummies are transported in a convoy from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat

Artists perform during a transfer of Royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to their new museum in Fustat, Cairo

Royal mummies are transported in a convoy from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

Performers dressed in ancient Egyptian costume wait at the start of the parade of 22 royal mummies departing to Fustat

A woman dressed in ancient Egyptian costume pictured waiting at the start of the parade as they royal mummies made their way to their new resting place

Performers dressed in ancient Egyptian costume, pictured above. After excavation, the mummies were taken to Cairo by boats that sailed the Nile. Some were showcased in glass cases, while others were stored

A general view of the Pharaoh's Golden Parade in Cairo, Egpyt, as a convoy transported 18 ancient kings and four queens

An artist is pictured in a chariot while performing during the parade. Guards on horses and Egyptian celebrities and signers followed the motorcade

A mummy is seen in a video screened during the ceremony. The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry are also live-streaming the event on social media platforms

King Ramesses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was the most powerful and celebrated ruler of ancient Egypt. He is remembered principally for the colossal statues he commissioned and for his massive building program (pictured)

Performers dressed in ancient Egyptian costume stand by the Obelisk of Ramses II alongside four recently unveiled and restored four ancient sandstone sphinxes in the centre of the roundabout in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Performers dressed in ancient Egyptian costume mingle after the end of the Pharaohs' Golden Parade in Cairo

A view of one of four restored ancient sandstone sphinxes extracted from the Avenue of the Sphinxes in Luxor, brought to surround the Obelisk of Ramses II in the centre of the capital Cairo's Tahrir Square, unveiled prior to the parade

People stand around and photograph mounted policemen marching along Tahrir Square at the end of the parade in Egypt

Egypt's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass (3rd L) supervises the removal of the lid of the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamun in his underground tomb in the famed Valley of the Kings in  2007.


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